Barneys Diner Prestwich

  • Delivery time 45 min

    Menu Barney's Diner

    Indulge in amazing American dishes at the ideal restaurant type. Many great dishes are served here and the variety is wide enough to accommodate all preferences. The typical dish at our restaurant comprises of a couple of main items and extras. The Build Your Burger menu is all about giving you that exciting plate. Portobello Mushroom and Quarter Pound Beef Patty are some of the items on this menu. The Burgers menu, on the other hand, is focused on giving you the deals you deserve. BBQ Bacon Burger, Italian Stallion, and Veggie Delight Burger are some of the options you will enjoy. Extras like salad, sauce and grilled halloumi are served with these burgers. When it comes to Wraps, our menu is extensive. We have everything from Mixed Steak Wrap to Burger Patty Wrap and Veggie Delight Wrap. Our signature dishes include Chicken Steak, Pizza Fries and Portobello Mushroom Meal. Our restaurant type has all the typical American dishes enjoyed the world over. We have various sides, dips, dessert, salad, shakes and drinks among other items. Visit us to find out more about the service and to get a peek at your ideal dish.

    About Barney's Diner

    Welcome to Barney's Diner for the best American takeaway. Our restaurant is full of dishes that are scented, artistic and enticing. We are always serving dishes that are made fresh and full of flavour. Both our service and food are indeed remarkable. We always take our food preparation process seriously to ensure that every plate packs rich mixes. We also get the ingredients from quality sources. Apart from the food, the service is also unique. We not only have a masterful knowledge of customer needs but we also make sure to engage them on every step of the service. Barney's Diner has a great ambience that you can enjoy while eating your food. We welcome all kinds of customers at our restaurant. We often serve groups like families at our premises and the shared experience is always memorable. The food that we serve acts as the perfect catalyst to create great memories, strengthen bonds and mend relationships. Our doors are always open to all those seeking to enjoy a quality hospitality. Visit us today for an unforgettable experience. 

    Restaurant location Barney's Diner

    Enjoy delicious dishes today at the best restaurant in the area. Visit us today at 207 Middleton Rd, Prestwich M8 4LR or 106 Wilmslow Road, Manchester, M14 5AJ. Enjoy unique and savoury American takeaway from a serene locations. We are also reachable via our mobile apps. The apps are available at the App Store and Google Play. Download them and take a look at our impressive dishes. Barney's Diner is the best restaurant. Make an order today and enjoy memorable dishes, quality service and great times.

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